Then how long an instrument, how comfortable they will use and what the results will be working with them, depends on whether selection is made. So, what do you need to look for when buying power tools? All the electric is divided into two types: professional and amateur. The differences between them are significant and technical characteristics, and in terms of price. Professional tools designed for continuous operation and regular use. In connection with this power tool in such high requirements, it goes through many trials and tests, excluding the possibility of overheating and in the course of a long continuous use. Amateur tool – does not mean that it is not quality. He simply is not designed for long lasting stress. But if they are not forthcoming, then spend money on a professional tool has sense.
Distinguish between professional and amateur instrument is not difficult. The first can not be multi-functional, has a high price, the body is made of aluminum alloys. A number of manufacturers to certainly avoid any confusion, the distinction between these two groups are also color. The next thing that you need to pay attention – this type of instrument by the method of supply. Mains or battery? As in the first and the second has its advantages and cons. What good is a network tool? Well, first of all, of course, that does not need to be recharged. This is good in the long run. But the minuses here, perhaps more. First, be aware that import tool must necessarily be designed for use in Russian networks.