Good texts convey atmosphere – close. Mannheim – precious extracts from marine algae may be the secret of a younger and firmer-looking facial skin, like Word head, lyricist and copywriter in a current project of the advertising free learned. So called Alginates (salts of alginic acid), which are extracted from seaweed, have an enormous wealth of source and ideal can trace elements and transporting nutrients into the skin. In contact with water, gel-like substance acts as a catalyst and injects cosmetically helpful components in the skin. Really feeling skin adjusts itself but only then, when an innovative technology in the game is to achieve the best cosmetic effect. So, Word head applies currently the Europe-wide introduction of a face cosmetics, which benefited from the favorable properties of seaweed extracts. To the extent, how many active components penetrate into the skin and firm they appear, must also the lyricist sea feeling”show, to the consumers and consumers to communicate emerging effect of lifting.
On an active, attractive wording it is, to familiarize the consumer at the first reading of the texts with the new cosmetics line, the precious of the sea to make comprehensible – and can be experienced. That requires dedication and many years of experience as a copywriter, eager to bring word head, to promote the modern and trendy this anti aging cosmetics. Not only product accompanying texts, but also brochures and a website, which will feature fully the effect of seaweed extract and the innovative cosmetics are planned for the Europe-wide introduction. M.A., freelance copywriter and copywriting – Dresch Word head, Andreas