Garden Violet

For it analyzes statistics effected if the contingency test (squared Chi). The tabulao of the respective raised data is displayed in form of pictures and graphs. Giving sequence for the description, analysis and interpretation of the data to leave of the tabulao. Result and Quarrel the data presented in the graph 1 sample that the biggest frequency of infestation HIV/AIDS finds if in the Good quarter Hope with 14 notified cases, followed of the Garden Violet, Imperial and Center with 11 notifications each and Industrial Sector 8 notified cases, the too much quarters had presented lesser percentages for notifications. Graph 1 Distribution for number of notified cases and presented for Quarter. Source: SAE (Service of Attendance Specialized given deducted from the archives of the years of 1995 to the 2007).

In Graph 2 applying the test of comparison of ratio it observes? if that (36.4%) it is enters etria band 30 to the 39 years of age and 25.6%, one meets enters 20 to 29 and 40 to the 49 years and if we consider offers of the Daily pay-tests for HIV offered for the City and the examinations that can be positivar, this number probably could be well bigger. Graph 2 distribution for group of age Source: SAE (Service of Attendance Specialized given deducted from the archives of the years of 1995 to the 2007). Graph 3 sample that the biggest frequency of cases HIV/AIDS 54.88%, is of the feminine sex which represents 69 notified cases and 45.12% are of the masculine sex with a representation of 60 notified cases. Graph 3 distribution for Sex Source: SAE (Service of Attendance Specialized given deducted from the archives of the years of 1995 to the 2007). The data presented in Graph 4 applying the test of comparison of ratio if appreciate differentiate highly significant, with bigger incidence for the bachelors with 33,3%, taken a mistress 27.1% and married with 20,9% of the cases; ahead this survey, notices that the infection for HIV/AIDS in recent years has advanced in the considered subcategorias more steady relations (taken a mistress married lasting relation/) as it points the graph.