Intercultural Training United States

Success in the United States of America has been a key factor – cross cultural training global cultures intercultural training United States: so close and yet so far from Bonanza, Star Trek (Starship Enterprise for the older generation), John Wayne and high chapparal already in the 50s and 60s appeared inside the TV as an intercultural training United States. The terms were the Americans or the Yanks synonyms for residents of the United States, although other Nations beyond the big pond Yes strictly speaking are Americans. The Americans sent care packages, they financed the reconstruction and protect us from the Communist threat from the East. They gave the Germans the gum, the rock roll and the hamburger. In short, the American way of life has taken root in Germany already early also. Reason enough, because of this familiarity, an intercultural training United States refrain from? ERfolgreich in the United States with the intercultural TraiNing of global cultures as the largest VolksWirtSchaft of Earth the United States are still the ProMInent market for WestEUropaische operations. Although many of us have grown up with the typical American culture MenTLitats – and communication differences still remain between the old and new worlds. The AMERican way of life”can represent for a Europaer some unexpected stumbling blocks and obstacles.

Straight because the States erscheinen so much advance the West EUropaeern, such UNTERschiede be UNTERschatzt often. The cultural TraiNing of global culTures verschafft you the Notigen knowledge, to make your business success ProBably. IndiVIduElle solution strategies in the intercultural TraiNing United States the intercultural TraiNing of global cultures gives you an insight into the workings and prepares obstacles. With this knowledge you can unerwartete SITuationen also flexibel and trendy react and effektiv kommunizieren with your U.S. business spartnern or MITarbeitern. In the intercultural TraiNing United States, you are in VORbereitet on GEschaftliche aufENThalte in the United States.Through a special and individual program, you are optimally trained on the planned business relationship. Kurzzeitiges international project or branchenspezifisches intercultural TroubleshooTing – the key to your ERfolg in the United States is an intercultural TraiNing United States.

Global culTures – akademie for praxisgerechte intercultural TraiNings United States after an intercultural TraiNing United States from global culTures you be sharpened not only your bewusstsein for your own culture, your eigenen management style, and your atTItude to the co-operation with Kollegen and business spartnern from the United States, but steigern also your EFfizienz in the comMuNICAtion CLEArly with your Kollegen and business spartnern from the United States. This makes you not through trial and error, but from the first time on Toyo decisions gezielt to meet and thus effizienter to act as well as aufzuBauen a KoOPERAtion based on gegenseitigen vertrauens. This leads to a performance increase of your gesamten company and is the basis for your business success in the United States. Intercultural TraiNing United States – auslandserFAHRene dozenten from the private sector experts, which you train at global cultures are off the free Wirtsxhaft. You become very familiar with the requirements of the day-to-day business. Basic requirement is a langjahrige erFAHrung with the jeweiligen destination at our horfunk. So are our horfunk for our intercultural TraiNings United States entweder directly from the United States or can VORWeisen a Mehrjahrige berufliche practice in the United States. Our customers can profitieren from direkten erFAHrungen from the wirtschaftlichen practice. The Principle the business relevance of unserer programmes and the UMsetZung in the berufliche practice uberdurchSchnittLich and garantiert thus outStanDing erGEBNISSE for the success of your business after unserem intercultural TraiNing United States.