Modern Primitive Man

The artificial gardener Year two a thousand and thirty and three, Until then the scientists had the illusion to manipulate the genetics, Until it gave in manchete of all periodicals: Scientist arrives in house and catches its wife locking with the artificial gardener, When I say artificial I am saying in the conotativo direction of the word, the gardener is a creation of the scientific advance and technological, the gardener is resulted of the genetic manipulation. As all all good husband trado and as and old primitive man Who is very human in all its emotions, sensations, thoughts With all Irritation to the artificial light, the sonorous pollution and other hundreds of pollution, With all its subconscious mind, all its desire of to be friend, Loving virile, and with all suspicion of husband and father of family and with all its attachment the life and the substance, This good and old primitive man killed the machete blow (In 2033 still knife exists) its wife and the lover. Unhappy creation Of this scientist, who with everything is primitive and not it supported the treason of its artificial woman, the artificial one has denotativo direction here ok. A comment: The scientist errou in the hand He gave to the artificial gardener a virile member bigger and very thicker than its, and this cost its marriage, you knows as it is, absent husband, pretty Gardener and gostoso there, it adjusted the hunger and the will to eat. (In 2033 to eat is this same what you are thinking.) The scientist in question discovered in tragic way That it does not dominate itself wants its emotions, who will say the nature, Leaves the nature for the great architect of the universe and the life, God Let us be humble as indians, That if integrates to the universe and with the life, Eat what the mother nature of, Bathes in waters of waterfalls, If they become ONE with the life and the taken off universe When dances and sings its mantras of the nature They respect the life and the nature Because they feel the presence of God in everything, and what the elementais of the nature are its deuses if, If not it invisible God in whom she was for servant proper its hands. ‘ ‘ So that to invent as much fashion in such a way? .