Release Patients

This method fenomenolgico humanist/deentender the being beyond the obesidade, that was unmasked there, it won the paper doavaliador. Through questionnaires, systematic interviews, meeting, among others instruments, were construdaa teia of relationship, that exceeded the avaliativo process. Cadaencontro was supplied to orientaes techniques, without, however, you disrespect emotions that unclasped in this contact. in this process, we conquer reliable umarelao in the work, but above all, in the potential of pacientecomo gerenciador of its experiences and of the construction of a hierarchy denecessidades, for the auto-accomplishment. Therapist and customer treading ways embusca of conditions that propitiated the construction of the identity of lean, to semnegligenciar the essence of the there existing being, covered for the overweight and pelosofrimento. Participamdeste work, 10 patients, being 07 women and 03 men, with age varivelentre 26 and 40 years, being that 08 already meet operated. Jna initial interview, the patients were informed that she would have assured oatendimento after-surgical, in function of the participation in one it searches sobremudana of habit of obeso, submitted to the baritrica surgery, in case that they concordassemem to participate of the same one.

In what I counted on the assent of all. Estetrabalho had beginning in 24 of November of 2008, if extending until the diasatuais. Of the taken care of patients, only one cancellation occurred, in function dapaciente to have obtained the release with another professional, is of the program. The excessively patient ones had continued and the vacant again was filled. In virtudedo adjournment of these, the scientific production was modified, resulting, portantoem article, which I consider not less important. Aformao of the therapeutical bond made possible the change of a focus avaliativopara the understanding of the internal processes of the patient. Its emotions, behaviors and action, to better puderamser understood and its rescued internal forces. She was not only acirurgia or the obesidade that was present there, but its you distress, ansiedades, frustrations, fancies and realities.