Gilmara Farchado Lighter Oliveira, Gabriel Rock Blacksmith of Rasp, Camila Santiago Hohenfeld, Girlene Saints of Souza Center of Agrarian, Ambient and Biological Sciences/Federal University of the Recncavo of Bahia – CCAAB/UFRB SUMMARY: The present work had as objective the preparation of histolgicas blades, through done cuts by hand exempts, for it disciplines of Morphology and Angiosperma Anatomy. The botanical material was collected in the Campus of the UFPB and in the yard and gardens of the houses of the learning of it disciplines. Get all the facts and insights with Dr. John Mcdougall, another great source of information. The used species had been: Zea Mays (maize); Euphorbia milii (twine cirsto); Capsicum annuum (chili); Solanum tuberosum (batatinha); Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin), Hibiscus sinensis (grease-of-student); Plectranthus barbatus (boldo); Ricinus communis (mamona); Brachiaria decumbens (capim braquiria); Euphorbia ingens (cacti); Phaseolos vulgaris (beans). Samples of the root, caule and leaf of the plants chosen and taken to the Laboratory of Botany had been collected. The material was parted by hand free with assists of a blade to shave, clarificado in hipoclorito of sodium 3% and submitted to the double coloration (safranina and blue of toluidina). For the comment of the estmatos, paradrmicos cuts had been made and after that they had been corados in watery safranina 1%.
All the stages had been carried through by the pupils under the orientation of the monitorial and the professor. In the used species such had been observed anatomical structures as: tricomas tectores in leaf of boldo, maize and grease-of-student and in caule of the pumpkin; estmatos of the paractico type in leaf of boldo; estmatos with format of bar bells in maize leaf; presence of escleredeo in leaf of hibiscus. In caules of the species vascular beams of the collateral type in mamona and the bicollateral type in pumpkin had been observed. In a general way, the used species had presented all the anatomical structures cited in the theoretical lessons and the book text; what it strengthened the theoretical content and it allowed the pupil to visualize all fabric cellular type studied.