More and more Germans can operate in other countries.What is it? Only at the most affordable rates or other countries have more advantages for German patients? Cosmetic surgery have become socially acceptable. To suck off than a few years ago, when it was still frowned upon the breasts fall Anders as the hip gold”, most people are open to your embellished body. Thematisieret more and more frequently by the media, chat nowadays celebrities in the television openly about your intervention. The trend of cosmetic surgery has arrived also in Germany. Would Germans earlier by American films, series and TV shows confronted cosmetic surgery with the theme, looks now even German TV formats, such as the Swan”or”Extremely beautiful”, which deal exclusively. The growing media interest, also the German demand for cosmetic surgery enormously. It is also to add that the techniques are getting better and better, which minimizes the risks.
The biggest obstacle of plastic surgery is the price they have to pay mostly completely on your own in the most prospective customers. Cheap deals, surgeon who completed their training in France, Canada or the United States, and private clinics that comply with European standards, Tunisia has developed since 2004, a very popular destination of beauty tourism. The prices agree by low wage and cost of living, as well as favourable tax schemes for the medical sector, which is subsidized by the Government since 2000. But with lower quality than in Germany. Alone in the capital Tunis located approx. 10 ultra modern private clinics, which are filled to 50% of European patients. Straight out of the French-speaking countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland), thousands of patients enjoy the benefits of an aesthetic surgery in Tunisia. Of course an intervention abroad risks also, which patients should be aware of. It’s like in the In the case of complications after returning home from the surgeon and the hospital centre.