Universal Cultures

The Universal Cultures go down of Highest Skies in profusion for the Humanity who needs to improve itself to remain in the New Jerusalem that is if revealing in the Land, exactly in way to the men who teimam in not correcting themselves. Everything is of GOD, the CHRIST, and the Espirito Santo, and in the new Land the Truth will only prevail. He is Public Because thus you of the Armies says: You cut trees and you raise junks against Jerusalem. This is the city that has of being punished; oppression only has in the way of it. Book of Jeremias Prophet, CAP. 6:6.

The Doctor who works, In ranks of the City, Must work with love, Therefore he opted to this. If to want to earn more, Works with ardor, Because won stage, Is signal of more value. That one that works hard In the ranks of the City hall, Works with affection, Therefore he is not alone, In its mission. The Physician whom he chose To work in the sector direct, It works with affection, and it will receive for certain, the GOD aid. All vocs of passed lives, Brings the marked Souls, For the attachment to the money, That made of the Medicine, a tremendous pardieiro. Medical Jerusalem corrects you, and heard Prdica, Of the Medical The holy ghost, That leads to the supino, All the Beings! In any sector it is, the person must for the table, For the Honesty.