These last years, the surgery of loss of weight has increased in popularity as an option of loss of weight (fat burners) for the severe obesity. In spite of this, nevertheless, it is important to remember that this procedure is not for all. If you are considering this as a solution of loss of weight, first must find out if you are a good candidate for her. These are the key factors that will help him to determine if the surgery to lower of weight (as system LAP-BAND) is for you. Index of corporal mass Index of corporal mass is the main method to determine the level of an individual of the obesity. The National Institutes of Salud (NIH) to establish the index of corporal mass (IMC) requisite for the surgery of loss of weight will be the following one: IMC of at least 40 or corporal weight of at least 100 pounds over the ideal weight, index of corporal mass between 35 and 39 can be in account if it suffers of at least one condition of health related to the obesity, including but not limited, the diabetes, cholesterol hypertension, apnea of the dream, high arterial pressure, depression and discharge. A calculator of index of corporal mass, like the one of Newhope Bariatrics, can help him to find out to which of the following classifications of index of corporal mass to which it belongs. * Healthful corporal weight – IMC 18.5 to 24.9 * Excess of weight – IMC 25.0 to 29.9 * Obesity – IMC 30-34,9 * Severely obese ones – IMC 35-39,9 * morbid Obesity – index of corporal mass of 40 or plus the failure of the traditional methods of loss of weight Often, the surgeons require that the patients who already must have tried to lose weight by means of the traditional diet and the regimes of exercise and documented the results before they accept to operate.