The media in this case if made gift as form to educate and to inform. The radiofuso also has important paper in the actions of prevention to the illnesses, in a called project EDUCANVISA? Education in sanitary monitoring of the city of Juiz De Fora, in the year of 1999, had been carried through seminaries directed toward broadcasters of that city with intention to prepare them for the education on the abusive and uncontrolled use of medicines without medical lapsing, and the main objective was to alert the professionals of the radio, so that these do not make medicine propagandas for population, under the risk of a media directed toward a dangerous news for the health of all. The scientific spreading by means of the media, (the object is the health here) will not have to run away to the general norms of a communication under regimes ethical, clear and objective, become it pleasant in a level of compatibility with the viewer, common reader. Of this form, in the field of the medicine the use of the medias is something absovvel not only for miditicos processes (TV, radio), but it goes beyond what if it can call miditizao in health, in some nets of health exist proper, publishing editors, photographers and artist for the communications, in set with patients and communities more medical team: (doctors, psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists and others), where the advertising happens by means of folders, magazines, pamphlets, periodicals etc; thus the communication in if treating to promotion to the health has a vast field, in what the educational information for the population says respect. Finally, she is necessary to understand the medias as nets partner-techniques as collective agencies for most diverse and complex ways of interaction media-man, it is necessary despite if it cautiously observes the field of the scientific production of the communication partner-educative, come back toward marketing public interests and at the same time, of form that the journalistic professional that science writes, it has domain technician in the writing of a good text, or despite in the form to make advertising directed toward the cited field, it has taken in consideration the capacity to attract the interest of the reader for given information, and that area professionals scientific technique are part of this context so that in set they facilitate to the understanding and apprehension of the information in all society, ahead of an increasing demand that is the promotion of the health, in a country that the life expectancy has increased remarkably.