The Brazilian

The media presents, that is, it functions as one ' ' lens of aumento' ' that it presents what the society considers beauty. Therefore, it attributes to the partner-cultural questions persistence for this type of standard, that the media presents. It places the diffusion of the alimentary upheavals as a by-product of the globalization process, the people having necessity of belongs the human groups starts to imitate the models that the media transmits, but that they are deriving of the society. In the analysis of the article of Alvarenga and Larino, it does not have reference the media, the authors they present that the Alimentary Upheavals are multidetermined and result in the interaction between biological, cultural factors and personal experiences. In such a way, it does not have no evidence so that let us can conclude if, for these professionals, the media is eliciadora or propayer of this type of pathology.

In the table of Gastroenterology we see that the medical professional in question, believes the following factors: emotional, familiar, personality, hereditary succession, organic and cultural, however in its speech, we can verify a bigger emphasis to the cultural context. However, when we reduce the look for the media in question (therefore it is inserted in this context, serving to this context), we verify that the same it believes that it is interested itself in keeping what already she is, but not as eliciadora of this riot. After the analysis of what each professional presents on the media we perceive that to place the media as responsible for the Alimentary Upheavals he would be very tendencioso, since some nor had mentioned the envolvement of this. For what we read, the media is televising it or printed has been accused for being the visible part of this process, is who if it displays. Clearly that for presenting propagandas, to stimulate the practical one of diets, at last, to make use of its power to present ' ' the culture of corpo' ' , ' ' to dictate beleza' ' , she has great contribution, but it is not creating models, is transmitting the opinion of the society. To make use of the power that the media has to emphasize these questions does not have to be disrespected, but from there to enxergar it as villainous of this process it is a well different question. 5.0 – Consideraes Final After to reflect on the subject, we conclude that even so all exists this quarrel that turns on the influence or not of the media, as well as of the family and of factors genetic associates to the Alimentary Upheaval, we arrive at a crucial point, which was not found in none of the references searched for us, but that in them insight appeared as one. The Brazilian climate! Our tropical climate (sun, sea, etc), it strong influences in to show them the body and on account of this we have a culture where everybody wants ' ' malhar' ' to be ' ' bem' ' in the summer and to show a beautiful body in the beach and the carnival. Different of the European and North American culture in

Garden Violet

For it analyzes statistics effected if the contingency test (squared Chi). The tabulao of the respective raised data is displayed in form of pictures and graphs. Giving sequence for the description, analysis and interpretation of the data to leave of the tabulao. Result and Quarrel the data presented in the graph 1 sample that the biggest frequency of infestation HIV/AIDS finds if in the Good quarter Hope with 14 notified cases, followed of the Garden Violet, Imperial and Center with 11 notifications each and Industrial Sector 8 notified cases, the too much quarters had presented lesser percentages for notifications. Graph 1 Distribution for number of notified cases and presented for Quarter. Source: SAE (Service of Attendance Specialized given deducted from the archives of the years of 1995 to the 2007).

In Graph 2 applying the test of comparison of ratio it observes? if that (36.4%) it is enters etria band 30 to the 39 years of age and 25.6%, one meets enters 20 to 29 and 40 to the 49 years and if we consider offers of the Daily pay-tests for HIV offered for the City and the examinations that can be positivar, this number probably could be well bigger. Graph 2 distribution for group of age Source: SAE (Service of Attendance Specialized given deducted from the archives of the years of 1995 to the 2007). Graph 3 sample that the biggest frequency of cases HIV/AIDS 54.88%, is of the feminine sex which represents 69 notified cases and 45.12% are of the masculine sex with a representation of 60 notified cases. Graph 3 distribution for Sex Source: SAE (Service of Attendance Specialized given deducted from the archives of the years of 1995 to the 2007). The data presented in Graph 4 applying the test of comparison of ratio if appreciate differentiate highly significant, with bigger incidence for the bachelors with 33,3%, taken a mistress 27.1% and married with 20,9% of the cases; ahead this survey, notices that the infection for HIV/AIDS in recent years has advanced in the considered subcategorias more steady relations (taken a mistress married lasting relation/) as it points the graph.

Willame RIO

When diabetes is installed, the medical professionals, physiotherapists, physical nutritionists and educators are the best ones to treat, to monitor, to rehabilitate and to guide on the control of the illness. Studies have been carried through and many raised hypotheses, but best still it is the prevention against diabetes and its consequences. Some of the many authors had strengthened with positive results the importance of this prevention. Barreto (2010), told that the sedentarismo makes it difficult that the glucose fulfills its function, whereas the well guided exercise facilitates. Barreto and Cristalino (2009) had strengthened that diabetes type 2 is acquired, mainly, for inadequate alimentary habits. Fields (2000) defend that the exercise helps in the control of diabetes and brings multiples benefits in the quality of life of the diabetic one. Rasp and collaborators (2009) believe the good exploitation of the physical activity in the prevention of diabetes of type 2. Being, diabetes a so devastadora illness, optimum that it is had to make is to prevent its appearance, mainly, looking the services of health for one consults periodic doctor, a physiotherapist for the whitewashing or orientaes, nutritionists for estruturao of good alimentary habits and educators physical for the practical one of physical exercises.

National Agency

The transfusion of hemocomponentes and derivatives is not free of risk and can take the customer the complications that can be fatal, therefore is important that all the nursing professionals have a good knowledge on this practical, knowing which cares they must be taken before, during and after the transfusion, which the possible reactions that the customer can present, as to identify them and as to proceed ahead from this situation. The Resolution of Diretoria Colegiada (RDC), n 153 of the National Agency of Vigilncia Sanitria (ANVISA), of 14 of June of 2004, normatiza in Brazil the activities of hemoterapia, establishing rules and procedures that must be known and be followed by the professionals who work with transfusions. It is important the nursing professionals to have knowledge of this Resolution better to take care of the submitted customers to the transfusional therapy and through the knowledge to prevent errors that can be fatal to this customer due the knowledge lack on this practical. Sanguineous transfusion the sanguineous transfusion is one practical doctor who consists of the transference of blood or one of its components, of a healthful giver for a patient. The objectives of the sanguineous transfusion according to POTTER (2005, p.1057) are: ' ' to increase the volume of circulating blood after surgery, trauma or hemorrhage; to become greater the number of eritrcitos and to keep the levels of hemoglobina in the customers with serious anemia; to supply to cellular components chosen teams as spare therapy ' '. In accordance with Resolution RDC n 153, of 14 of June of 2004, the set free hemocomponentes for the consumption could only be transfundidos when duly prescribed for doctors and after the accomplishment of the examinations daily pay-transfusionais for the service of responsible hemoterapia, as the imunohematolgicos examinations, that include the sanguineous tipagem and determination of the Rh factor and the sorolgicos examinations for the detention of illness of chagas, hepatitis B and C, infection for HIV/AIDS, for the HTLV-I/II and sfilis.

Abrangncia Subcategoria

Distribution of the symbolic categories, abstracted from the free Test of Association of words, on the word-stimulaton ‘ ‘ interdisciplinaridade’ ‘. The analysis of the data gotten through the free test of association of words, whose word stimulaton was ‘ ‘ Work in equipe’ ‘ , it subsidized the formation of picture 02, as visualized below: Category: Related words the work emequipe, represented for the code (CRTeq), forming two subcategorias: Individual responsibility, represented for the code (SRRind), and the subcategoria common Responsibility (SRRcm). Category: Interdisciplinaridade Subcategoria: Related words the interdisciplinaridade Code thematic Unit orqudea thematic Unit tulipa Subcategoria: Commitment. SRIcm ‘ ‘ Devotion; patience; understanding; love; to make a good work; affection with the families; will to make coisas’ ‘. Union, group Subcategoria: SRInt interaction ‘ ‘ Partnership; friendship; dialogue; people backwards for the unit; together with the nurse; interaction; everything together; team; common vision; bringing the problems; palestras’ ‘. Work in team, the person to work in set with the colleagues, One helping the other, Collaborating, Complementation, Abrangncia Subcategoria: Cooparticipao SRIco ‘ ‘ It is trying to decide in the team; union; multiprofessionalism; it helps one to the other; cooperativismo; people look for to help the families; accompaniment of famlias’ ‘.

Efficiency, greater income, everything in horizontal form. Category: Unrelated words to the interdisciplinaridade Subcategoria: SNRid unfamiliarity ‘ ‘ I do not go to answer; I do not know; I do not know responder’ ‘.

Universal Cultures

The Universal Cultures go down of Highest Skies in profusion for the Humanity who needs to improve itself to remain in the New Jerusalem that is if revealing in the Land, exactly in way to the men who teimam in not correcting themselves. Everything is of GOD, the CHRIST, and the Espirito Santo, and in the new Land the Truth will only prevail. He is Public Because thus you of the Armies says: You cut trees and you raise junks against Jerusalem. This is the city that has of being punished; oppression only has in the way of it. Book of Jeremias Prophet, CAP. 6:6.

The Doctor who works, In ranks of the City, Must work with love, Therefore he opted to this. If to want to earn more, Works with ardor, Because won stage, Is signal of more value. That one that works hard In the ranks of the City hall, Works with affection, Therefore he is not alone, In its mission. The Physician whom he chose To work in the sector direct, It works with affection, and it will receive for certain, the GOD aid. All vocs of passed lives, Brings the marked Souls, For the attachment to the money, That made of the Medicine, a tremendous pardieiro. Medical Jerusalem corrects you, and heard Prdica, Of the Medical The holy ghost, That leads to the supino, All the Beings! In any sector it is, the person must for the table, For the Honesty.

Juiz Field

The media in this case if made gift as form to educate and to inform. The radiofuso also has important paper in the actions of prevention to the illnesses, in a called project EDUCANVISA? Education in sanitary monitoring of the city of Juiz De Fora, in the year of 1999, had been carried through seminaries directed toward broadcasters of that city with intention to prepare them for the education on the abusive and uncontrolled use of medicines without medical lapsing, and the main objective was to alert the professionals of the radio, so that these do not make medicine propagandas for population, under the risk of a media directed toward a dangerous news for the health of all. The scientific spreading by means of the media, (the object is the health here) will not have to run away to the general norms of a communication under regimes ethical, clear and objective, become it pleasant in a level of compatibility with the viewer, common reader. Of this form, in the field of the medicine the use of the medias is something absovvel not only for miditicos processes (TV, radio), but it goes beyond what if it can call miditizao in health, in some nets of health exist proper, publishing editors, photographers and artist for the communications, in set with patients and communities more medical team: (doctors, psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists and others), where the advertising happens by means of folders, magazines, pamphlets, periodicals etc; thus the communication in if treating to promotion to the health has a vast field, in what the educational information for the population says respect. Finally, she is necessary to understand the medias as nets partner-techniques as collective agencies for most diverse and complex ways of interaction media-man, it is necessary despite if it cautiously observes the field of the scientific production of the communication partner-educative, come back toward marketing public interests and at the same time, of form that the journalistic professional that science writes, it has domain technician in the writing of a good text, or despite in the form to make advertising directed toward the cited field, it has taken in consideration the capacity to attract the interest of the reader for given information, and that area professionals scientific technique are part of this context so that in set they facilitate to the understanding and apprehension of the information in all society, ahead of an increasing demand that is the promotion of the health, in a country that the life expectancy has increased remarkably.