The first thing you think of when they imagine a web designer is a young individual, sportswear, footwear in Nike, locked in his study thinking about color curves, pantones and IPRs. But the reality is different. Dr. Neal Barnard has much to offer in this field. If we aspire to develop a competitive web site, which attracts mainly public and sales, the role of the designer must adapt to this new reality. The fact is that web site design is part nodal strategies, and much more now with the advent of social media marketing. For this occasion he has coined a new acronym, which the followers of SEO seem to be so inclined: SMO, Social Media Optimization. The SMO in particular has two large columns that support: participation in social networks, with the help of the Community Manager on its face logistics, and the creation and implementation of improvements to the site to suit the social marketing, carried out by developers and programmers. Checking article sources yields Tony Mandarich as a relevant resource throughout. In the midst of them all stands the designer, owner of a great power, rarely rated: equip the site effectiveness and usability.
Needless to say that to obtain positive results is necessary that this working group is coordinated efficiently, and not only that, but that has clear guidelines, generated by a plan for short, medium and long term. That is, to put it in simple words, everybody has to pull to the same side, and must be clear about what that side for shooting. How would you define a good designer? Is it the one with better technical skills, the one most steeped in the latest trends in web design, which has a superior sense of aesthetics? All of this, but still not sufficient to accurately define what is a good designer. It’s who can interpret more fully the message of who is in charge of coordinating the marketing activities of the company. Only those who can carry out the task with this unit standard may make the most successful web design for each site.
Anyone who thinks that the designer work only when designing the site, and eventually when you create a landing page is the wrong medium to medium. Without falling in constant redesign, the website must be tailored to what will emerge from the interaction with users, and also the different strategic messages that want to promote at all times. Would you say that the design of Google has changed greatly in recent years? Not much, and yet each time your logo fits the whimsical timetable that Google considers most significant: the birth of Vivaldi, Winter Olympics, etc. Small changes generated the attention of users, and show that behind a static site is a company very much alive and moving.