Broken Column Frida Life

Frida Kahlo is a famous painter who was born in 1907 in Mexico City and was the wife of Diego Rivera, a famous muralist (ie painting frescoes on the walls of the cities). Through an analysis of his paintings, try to understand how it was his life and how they represent the major periods of his life through his art. The table on which we base is an oil on masonite titled The Broken Column, painted in 1944. As we discovered this painting, we show some events in the life of Frida. Suffering With only six years, Frida Kahlo had polio, which resulted in great suffering for her. At age 17, had a bus accident that turned minuvalida.

As a result, he broke his spine and so had to wear a brace and immobilized in bed. In fact, they note in the Broken Column Frida wears a corset with sleeves that keep your spine straight while being represented by a cracked Ionic column that divides the body into two. In the half of his body is a bloody wound and note that Frida is crying, what it symbolizes the physical and psychological pain. It is riddled with nails which represent the torment of his life as he underwent 32 surgeries. It also presents a larger nail is on her left breast, that is in his heart. It can evoke pity he due to the infidelity of her husband.