We have that to know the characteristics of the leaders of the company in which we work for, thus, adaptarmos in them to its style of work and keeping a good relationship with them. The types of people vary very, but the types of leaders generally are the same ones. They are: Autocrat: The basic one, for they, is to fulfill the orders without discutiz them or to modify them. In the lack of clear instructions, we must consult them and always not make the things on account proper taking risks.
Neglecters: It is good for being prevented, not trusting the usufructed freedom and policing for not exceeding in them> bursts, remembering that they are fruits of the temperament and not of the character. (To the times, five minutes after blowing up it cools the head silly. It has some rules of good behavior that help in them and must be followed when dealing with our leaders: It respects its leaders in accordance with the norms to discipline. However, it makes a little more: it esteem them if it will be able e, probably, they will esteem also it. Alfred Adler wanted to know more. When to remember the defects of its leader, if does not forget its qualities.
It does not make commentaries on the particular life of the leader: it presumably costuma not to esmiuar its. When to conquer the personal friendship of the leaders, does not search to take off advantage of it in the work; it knows that they will be watching it to the colleagues in this expectation. Before condemning a decision, of the leader, who did not please to it, it thinks about what it would make if it was in the place of it. It understands that the biggest homage that if can give to a leader is the faithful fulfilment of the duty, without for this its cordialidade if transforms into bajulao. If you assume that the service walks disorganized, you directly present to the leader the theories that have stop to improve it. If they will not be used to advantage, at least you will profit the time that would lose taking the subject to other people. Before saying a relief its leader, counts up to ten or a thousand, will be necessary. With any addressed offence it, you will not reach no advantage, but, certainly, some damage will finish having. He understands that the leaders, possibly, will have more attributions and greaters responsibilities that you, and little possibilities to be gentile. One convinces by that the leader almost always takes science of the delicate facts occurrences in the absence of it. How much to this he is foresighted, therefore, generally, the leader is the first one namely.