Occupational Safety In The Operation Of Cranes

Information in the field of occupational safety in the operation of cranes from the perspective of the practice, the ever-increasing demands on occupational safety and health require testing and the development of the rule of a continuous exchange of experience about the ever-changing regulations and developments. For many companies support through expert advice is indispensable for this purpose. This applies not least for the interpretation and application of the increasingly complex rules. The contents are selected so that each participant learns the latest information on the State of the regulations and their application under EU conditions. This evidence comes to the equal treatment of problem cases that arise in daily practice.

Purpose of the Symposium of the Haus der Technik on December 14. And 15 10 2013 in Munich, information in the field of occupational safety in the operation of cranes from the point of view of practice to give the testing and developing regulations to ensure of occupational health and safety, as well as the various To comply with wishes for an exchange of experience of crane experts. This symposium will, together with the Department of wood and metal (FB HM) (leading professional association of wood and metal) carried the German social accident insurance (DGUV). Focuses on: rule development national and Euro – special references to European standards – introduction: current status of European standards for cranes – special instructions of EN 13001 (calculation), EN 12999 (cranes), EN 14439 (tower cranes), EN 13135 (equipment), EN 13000 (cranes), EN 15011 (bridge and gantry cranes) – notes on the further application of the DIN 13018 priorities during the test and during the operation of cranes problems from practice – accident events – claims break of a hook in the Hakenschaft – operating instructions – use components for security features – expansion fuels – deadly crane accident with a Crane of grandfathering for cranes – – lifting, production for own use Special test instructions to wire rope testing while standing and running ropes – replacement State of wear of ropes with practical examples specific test instructions for tower cranes safe cranes: – effects of EN 14439 – manufacturer’s instructions, practical experience – views of future adjustments EN 14439 detailed information of interested under: W-H020-10-406-3 W-H020-10-407-3 Dipl.-ing. Kai banks man


The trade fair Congress in addition to Bonn in Zurich and Vienna will take place from next year. You women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women, awarded with the Innovation Prize “Land of ideas of 2012″ took place under the auspices of federal labor Minister Ursula von der Leyen on May 5 for the second time in the plenary building in Bonn. Thousands of top qualified women and even some men arrived from all over Germany and adjacent countries, led discussions at the stands of the 85 companies and 40 consultants on the career mile and learned in lectures and workshops on career prospects and training opportunities. The trade fair Congress in addition to Bonn in Zurich and Vienna will take place from next year. We have have already an incredible growth in companies and visitors in the second year”, says Melanie Vogel, initiator of the women and work. With the trade fair concept, we meet the spirit of the time. The combination of trade fair atmosphere, Congress and personal networks is nationwide “unique and makes the women & work at a business event of a special kind.” This successful concept should encourage future women abroad, more consistent, more confident and more bite to plan their career and according to their professional and private life ideas targeted to search for suitable employers.

Events in Zurich and Vienna are scheduled first. “We have won strategically important partner for Austria and the Switzerland, with which we women & work on-site will perform”, so bird. women & work in Zurich and Vienna the women & work in Zurich Gallen supported by “together”ag headquartered in St. The together ag is the Swiss market leader in the field of higher education recruitment. For many years, she successfully positioned companies and institutions in the target group of young students and graduates. We look forward, as a partner of the agency without name GmbH women & work in the Switzerland to organise”, says Dr. Rolf Sonderegger, CEO and owner of AG together.

“The cross-border cooperation promises exciting synergies not only for visitors, but also for the company.” In Austria, Martina Gleissenebner, owner of the Agency of INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SPEAKERS the project supports women & work. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SPEAKERS is an international speakers Agency, representing “Change-MAKER”, i.e. experts and experts who contribute to positive change in companies, institutions and society through their actions. “The women & work exactly those, which gapes in Austria between supply and demand gap: it brings together deliberately the tremendous potential of female labour with the companies, which have considered success factors in diversity, active talent development and retention and management geared towards the future”, Martina Gleissenebner is pleased. The women & work offers women who want to deliberately make their professional lives. an ideal platform for compact learning on the one hand and targeted competitions for companies, on the other hand” Women & work in In the coming year, Germany will take place on May 18 in Bonn. Women & in Zurich is work planned for spring 2013, held the trade fair Congress in Vienna in the autumn of 2013.