The gastric band is an ally to keep fighting to achieve the ideal weight and protect health and well-being, especially in those who have tried to lose weight diets, acupuncture, medications or behavior modification. The gastric band can be performed only on patients who are over 18 years old and weigh twice what should or weigh 45 pounds over your ideal weight. In other words, the treatment is made in cases of morbid obesity with an index of Corporal mass (BMI) greater than 40. It is also important that the patient take over 5 years with obesity and that during that time he has made an important effort with other methods to reduce its weight. Gastric banding is a procedure to facilitate the weight loss in patients with obesity. It consists of the placement of an inflatable silicone band around the upper part of the stomach, dividing it into two parts and decreasing ability up to a size of 25-30 cc.
The new small pouch that forms on the upper part of the stomach limits and controls the amount of food that can be eaten once and close the stomach outlet increases the time required to make the stomach empty. As a result, patients experience a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with small amounts of food. The gastric band achieved the reduction in food intake and weight loss which is set at an average of 0.5 kg per week. It must be taken into account that the too rapid loss creates a health hazard and can cause numerous problems, in addition, the main goal is a gradual weight loss that improve or resolve medical problems connected with severe obesity. Gastric band intervention it is important to follow all medical advice to facilitate the specialists that will accompany the patient throughout the entire treatment. It is essential to eat small amounts and know when is satiated one because if you eat more than what is owed, the stomach will end up ceding and will be larger, not serving anything the intervencon of the gastric band. You should bear in mind that the personal discipline in the field of power is fundamental to the success of any treatment of obesity.