Private Health Insurance

Private health insurance: the post adjustment in private health insurance for 2011 fall dramatically from your post adjustment of your private health insurance (PKV) you will find in the next few days in your mail box. Especially this year the post adjustment of private health insurance (PKV) will increase significantly. Usually the upcoming post adjustment (PKV) private health insurance can be up to 45%. To ask yourself following questions: how is this going? How should I pay for it? I would be better off in the statutory health insurance? What do I do in retirement? Many questions, each insured for private health insurance (PKV) is posed. In principle here should be seen the entire situation of the health care system. Which leads to the total cost increases.

Even people who have no or only minor benefits from your private health insurance (PKV) for several years, are also faced with this premium adjustments in the private health insurance. Even the Insured, the statutory health insurance have nothing to laugh, because even when health reform will pay significant additional costs, however can count on with reduced services next year. An insured person of private health insurance (PKV) has the advantage that he maintains generally its safe performance. The health insurer can not take out his contractually agreed services or deny. Background information about the huge cost increases: our life expectancy increases from year to year of medical step forward and technology healthier diets are some points that cause these significant cost increases. Please note that typically a low-cost health insurance tariff of new tariff generation not includes mostly, which you currently have in your plan. No matter whether you currently need these threatening collective benefits or not, you should know what to come for cost on you if the “new rate” which needed you Services is not refunded.

Here, you have to operate a significant capital overhead paid for current saving. Today, healthy eating, exercise, avoid all vices, but unfortunately have no effect on your health. Today, everyone can be taken from a serious illness! Health is your most expensive asset and you want the best medical services in case of sickness. Here you are usually no longer Sue post difference to 50 if you can move freely again. Take advantage of the post adjustment in private health insurance and let you check your private health insurance on heart and kidney of an independent insurance broker. Global health insurance is for you.

The State Rurup Pension

An alternative form of private pension schemes by the Economist Bernd Rurup was State-subsidized pension developed and introduced in 2005 by the legislature.Based on a pension insurance contract it is the statutory pensions in tax treatment as well as the performance criteria here. However if the Rurup-rente, unlike pay-as-you-go statutory pensions, not to one but to a fully-funded form of pension insurance. Basic idea of the legislator is that the sum of savings is used exclusively for retirement. There is therefore some limitations. There are various categories of persons eligible for the conclusion of a Riester pensions not in question.

Well, there’s a way to save money for a private pension in the form of the Rurup pension tax favors for these groups of people, especially for freelancers. But also advisable workers and civil servants will benefit from the tax savings in addition to self-employed and freelancers. At It is not possible to use funded Riester pension or a company pension plan self-employed and freelancers. Since 2005 no longer tax as special editions deductible contributions to a traditional pension or life insurance. This however, contracts that have started before the individual 2005 this was until December 31, 2004, an insurance premium paid are excluded. Thus the contributions to the Rurup pension tax as special editions may be asserted stated, certain conditions in the insurance contract have to be. There are this and more information on their financial and insurance Portal!