Deep Moisturizing Hair

Came at last spring. Nature wakes from hibernation, everything is greenbacks, brand new is around. All is well. But amid this, you suddenly notice that your hair was somehow uncomfortable, that comb "stumbles" on tips, and they look like a whimper. So what's the reason? And the reason is simple – beriberi, which took place the winter, and, possibly, past illnesses, antibiotics, stress – all of this is detrimental to hair. Please remember that our Hair today – a reflection of what has been with us 3-5 months ago.

Yes, even hats, hot in the subway, dry air from the battery, and hair dryers …. A "best" helpers in the packing – foams and gels, but they are mostly a product of chemical industry. It does not care, hair care, and kills them! What's the solution? Yes, you can buy a very expensive brand-name tools for hair care, you can use the recipes of folk medicine, burdock can be rubbed or olive oil, you can do amazing running onion mask (although, after which work better in two weeks did not appear!), can be brewed herbs. Nothing prevents to do it. Sometimes it just laziness. Stylist company VIVASAN offered a program on a deep moisturizing hair.

Video clips can be viewed here. I tried and now recommend to you a lightweight version of the program. So, take the balm of San Rocco and Silk Mask for hair 1:2. Amount depending on length of hair. The hair just below shoulder third of balsam and 2 times greater than the mask. Nothing else is needed. As part of the San Rocco, a stunning mix of herbs and oils, and even increased its activities with the help of vitamins and silicic acid from a silk mask provides a powerful synergistic effect for in-depth comprehensive nutrition and hydration of hair. Mix it and puts on clean wet hair under a cap for 1 hour. Then lightly wash off, and because sorry. The hair becomes so smooth, shiny and long hold fragrance balm – just a song! First 3 masks for 2 weeks, then one in 1-2 weeks. You will feel when you can finish the course, but in any case, 1-2 balms and one mask Sanotint you have enough for 2 months. It's a good time to nourish hair, nails and skin from the inside capsules Migliorin wonderful. Beautiful shiny hair, strong nails, healthy skin – the way to excellent mood and success!

Drink And Drugs

Fame, money, luxuries and comforts. Who never wanted to take a celebrity life? They have everything! She has grana, she has prestige, corporeal properties and everything that any another person wanted to have. Its social life is extensive and repleta of friends and fans. Without speaking that they had obtained to carry through the great part of its dreams and professional objectives. With everything this, has its auto-esteems raised, and all the conditions of the world to be happy. But because then some of them (as the case of the Amy Winehouse, for example) always fall in depression, if they involve in scandals and if they deliver to the vices of drinks and drugs? The reply for this question it is well simple, and it can be found if to analyze the other side that the fame brings; its negative side. With the conquest of the fame, it also appears, greaters responsibilities, responsibilities these that any person depletes. In addition the siege on the part of the paparazzos has all, that place all its life tona in the media.

This without saying in the pressure that as much the media, how much the fans make they, in order they to continue in the top. It is as more or less the following one. You now imagine, having that to work of twelve to the fifteen hours per day, being had that to all take the care of the world not to commit none gafe (because seno turns the news divulged for the media). With this, he finished its privacy now, a time that everything what you make, what you dress, or any slip who comet is notified in the television, periodicals, Internet and the entire world will know what you made. In addition, you cannot more leave alone house, if not, she is assediado by several and some fans.


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Modern Primitive Man

The artificial gardener Year two a thousand and thirty and three, Until then the scientists had the illusion to manipulate the genetics, Until it gave in manchete of all periodicals: Scientist arrives in house and catches its wife locking with the artificial gardener, When I say artificial I am saying in the conotativo direction of the word, the gardener is a creation of the scientific advance and technological, the gardener is resulted of the genetic manipulation. As all all good husband trado and as and old primitive man Who is very human in all its emotions, sensations, thoughts With all Irritation to the artificial light, the sonorous pollution and other hundreds of pollution, With all its subconscious mind, all its desire of to be friend, Loving virile, and with all suspicion of husband and father of family and with all its attachment the life and the substance, This good and old primitive man killed the machete blow (In 2033 still knife exists) its wife and the lover. Unhappy creation Of this scientist, who with everything is primitive and not it supported the treason of its artificial woman, the artificial one has denotativo direction here ok. A comment: The scientist errou in the hand He gave to the artificial gardener a virile member bigger and very thicker than its, and this cost its marriage, you knows as it is, absent husband, pretty Gardener and gostoso there, it adjusted the hunger and the will to eat. (In 2033 to eat is this same what you are thinking.) The scientist in question discovered in tragic way That it does not dominate itself wants its emotions, who will say the nature, Leaves the nature for the great architect of the universe and the life, God Let us be humble as indians, That if integrates to the universe and with the life, Eat what the mother nature of, Bathes in waters of waterfalls, If they become ONE with the life and the taken off universe When dances and sings its mantras of the nature They respect the life and the nature Because they feel the presence of God in everything, and what the elementais of the nature are its deuses if, If not it invisible God in whom she was for servant proper its hands. ‘ ‘ So that to invent as much fashion in such a way? .