Chronic Venous Disorders

Risk factor for chronic venous disorders and serves obesity, so it is very important in body weight control. Daily diet of patients with chronic venous insufficiency should include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber. Necessary limit the use of sharp, fatty and salty foods, since they may exacerbate the edematous syndrome. Predisposition to the appearance of varicose veins, working conditions, contributing to this, as well as the emergence of symptoms are sufficient for compression therapy, it is the most reliable and affordable way of correction of the venous outflow and of the pump leg. You can use bandages or medical hosiery (stockings or tights golfy.). A well-designed elastic bandage and appropriately chosen compression stockings prevent the extension of superficial veins and accelerate the blood circulation of the deep venous system. The easiest way to elastic compression bandaging a leg.

At the same time use the bandages and the average short stretch. The imposition of a compression bandage to spend the morning before the patient got out of bed. The physician should educate the patient technical features of the procedure. Bint begin with the cast of the foot, right at the base of the fingers, then wound in a spiral so it that each subsequent round of closed prior to 2 / 3 the width of the bandage. Particularly important that was tightly bandaged heel – this is done using a specific technique. Should inform the patient that the maximum tension and therefore pressure bandage to provide in the foot and ankle in, they should gradually diminish toward the hip. Convenient for the patient and the most appropriate in terms of normalization of venous outflow from the lower extremities, of course, is to use a special compression hosiery. With it creates a fixed, graded, progressively decreasing from the periphery to the center of pressure.

The problem lies in the doctor’s recommendation required type products (socks, stockings or tights) and a class of compression. The patient must choose a product strictly on size and use it regularly. At present, Russian market there is a sufficient choice of medical hosiery High quality in a wide price range. For the prevention of progression of chronic venous insufficiency and the appropriate use of pharmacotherapy. The patient should be aware that medication solves several problems: increased tone of venous walls, improvement of microcirculation and lymph flow, relief of inflammation, correction of fluid properties of blood. C. For this purpose it is now widely used drugs for systemic effects, etc. And, finally, in cases of valvular lack of subcutaneous venous trunks and perforating veins should be to convince patients of the need for timely surgical intervention. They need to understand that properly executed operation protects them from the emergence and related hazards. Only joint efforts of the doctor and patient can lead to prevention of its recurrence, cupping events

Partner Procedures

With passing of the years we have the trend of ' ' dominar' ' the developed professional abilities. To dominate between quotations marks, as written above. For more experience that to acquire, the attention is necessary not to forget adopted procedures daily. As example, we can cite the area of the health. A medical mistake can generate a calamity. A surgeon could ignore the fact of higienizar its hands and esterilizar the area of incision before starting the surgical procedure? How then to minimize this independent failure of its professional area? List, this exactly, make a list of procedures. The execution of a common activity will be more efficient ahead of the complex list of responsibilities of any professional. In its area, which are the basic procedures for the good course of its work? You think daily about them before assuming its responsibilities? He revises them during the day? If until today you did not think or she did not execute, is the chance to review its form to work. Good reflections!

Republic Formation

The present work was developed through a study on the Docncia in Superior Ensino, having as objective to describe the aspects related to education, formation and relation profess-pupil in the academic context of an Institution of Superior Education of Igarassu-FOOT. The interest to search on this subject appeared during my graduation in Licenciatura in Pedagogia, when independent perceiving that of the study area the one that the pupil is tied, the process education learning basically is anchored in the formation of the professor, practical its and the affective relation that develops with its pupil. In this direction, one becomes necessary that the studies in this thematic one are extended, considering itself that Superior Ensino comes promoting in function of a significant demand of a professional formation each more qualified time to take care of the work market. Of this form, to search as if develops the formation of the professor for Superior Ensino makes possible in them to argue as it comes being practised its docncia inserting itself in the social context that it also determines and it is determined by the action of the citizens that in it act. When if it deals with related questions the Institutions of Superior Education – IES, is necessary to point out them and to analyze it as social institutions that have commitments historically defined. The beginning of superior education appears in Brazil in 1808 with the arrival of the Portuguese real family to the country. However, the private initiative and the expansion of superior education had only happened much later with the Constitution of the Republic in 1891 that it decentralized offers of superior education, allowing that the state governments and the private initiative created its proper establishments, through the act signed for Dom Joo implanting itself in the Bahia and Rio De Janeiro the doctor-surgical schools, first seeds of this degree of education in the country (MOURA, 2007).


Our children are very sensitive and vulnerable creatures. In addition, children unusually discerning and have an amazing imagination. Therefore, we, adults, has a special responsibility – because if the family problems, which are carefully hiding, the baby anyway it feels, but since this is forbidden to speak – will experience a silence. Moreover, all of the pain accuse himself, because he is probably something wrong did, because Mom and Dad are unhappy. When quarrels and scandals in the family quite common when parents are unable to agree and arrange a “dispute” with the baby, it’s a direct threat to his health and life. Because that is what mom and dad are the guarantors of security and welfare of the child. And when the collapse of support – the child remains with their fears and concerns in private.

Our children are very sensitive and vulnerable creatures. In addition, children unusually discerning and have an amazing imagination. Aggression in both word and face adult, offensive words to one of the parents scare and badly hurt the baby because he genuinely loves mom or dad who suddenly become “bad”. No less dangerous situations where parents do not argue, but still can not agree on a common tactic of communication with your baby. In this case, give him different rules and attitudes, sometimes contradicting each other. Not knowing what is right, the child is in uncertain situation, he learned how to behave in that specific case and easily gets into trouble. This behavior results in the parents may be uncertain, scared child, frequent moods, lethargy, obsessive-compulsive fears, disregard safety rules, enuresis, stuttering teen loitering. But the main thing – it’s an unfortunate child. Parents, be attentive to their children!