Republic Formation

The present work was developed through a study on the Docncia in Superior Ensino, having as objective to describe the aspects related to education, formation and relation profess-pupil in the academic context of an Institution of Superior Education of Igarassu-FOOT. The interest to search on this subject appeared during my graduation in Licenciatura in Pedagogia, when independent perceiving that of the study area the one that the pupil is tied, the process education learning basically is anchored in the formation of the professor, practical its and the affective relation that develops with its pupil. In this direction, one becomes necessary that the studies in this thematic one are extended, considering itself that Superior Ensino comes promoting in function of a significant demand of a professional formation each more qualified time to take care of the work market. Of this form, to search as if develops the formation of the professor for Superior Ensino makes possible in them to argue as it comes being practised its docncia inserting itself in the social context that it also determines and it is determined by the action of the citizens that in it act. When if it deals with related questions the Institutions of Superior Education – IES, is necessary to point out them and to analyze it as social institutions that have commitments historically defined. The beginning of superior education appears in Brazil in 1808 with the arrival of the Portuguese real family to the country. However, the private initiative and the expansion of superior education had only happened much later with the Constitution of the Republic in 1891 that it decentralized offers of superior education, allowing that the state governments and the private initiative created its proper establishments, through the act signed for Dom Joo implanting itself in the Bahia and Rio De Janeiro the doctor-surgical schools, first seeds of this degree of education in the country (MOURA, 2007).