Elimination Diet

Losing weight is difficult to achieve it. For this reason, many people put doda their faith in the miracle diets that promise maximum results with minimum effort. You must make every effort to avoid falling into that crowd of people. This article will teach you a little about some diets less effective (and potentially more dangerous) that there is. Diets that you want to keep away from you 1.

Ultra-low-calorie. Many diets simplify the way your body uses food. Simply to reduce to low consumption equation = weight loss. This can easily be unproductive, counterproductive, or frankly dangerous. The reduction of the consumption of food at minimum levels, simply launch your metabolism into survival mode.

Instead of burning the stored fat, your body will try to minimize its energy production. Keep in mind that a diet like this there is the diet of calorie restriction that has some medically proven health benefits. Restriction diets calories are extremely demanding, however, should only be under the exclusive supervision of a physician. 2. Only some foods diet. This is one of the most frequently recurring types of fad diets. It seems that every week an expert in diet proclaims the virtues of diet all carrot /guayaba/papa. The popularity that does not decay of these fad diets is a clear demonstration of the strength of the hope about common sense. Do not be carried away by the advertising, remember that they have taught you for decades how important it is to have balance in your diet. 3 Elimination Diet (giving up a meal). Josyann Abisaab often addresses the matter in his writings. This is similar to the previous diet, this is becoming the same frequency. His popularity has earned since it appeared the Atkins diet in the last decade, offers surprising results and involves reducing the amount of certain types of carbohydrates. Countless imitators have appeared, and most of them neglected an important part of the Atkins Diet: phase zero carbohydrates of these imitators are not healthy. Cut one of the main nutrients from your diet permanently is not healthy nor is it a good idea. Diets that offer immediate results are useless, you should stay away from these 4 diets. The diet of cleaning. This type of diets are dangerously close to the quackery and snake oil. The people who promueben cleaning diets tend to pin the blame for the unwanted weight to poorly defined toxins that have to be explulsadas of your body. Keep in mind that when cleansing diets make you lose weight, it is almost always retained water. This weight will return quickly, and having to constantly make cleaning to maintain the weight is very unhealthy. 5 Pills. There are basically two types of diet pills: which are filled with the filled the legal and illegal stimulants. It is not a good option for healthy weight loss. In the case of legal diet pills, you’re receiving is a high dose of caffeine. Like a clean diet, pills tend to eject the weight of the water. When you decide that you want to lose weight, what makes that decision is important is the commitment with which you assume it. All healthy and effective ways to reduce your weight and keep it controlled implies hard work and effort on your part. Be proud of your decision and go ahead with force, do not be fooled by advertising for diets to lose weight without effort. Want to know the most effective and healthy diet plan that exists? Check the following link now! Solution to eat to lose weight.

The Gastric Band Facilitates

The gastric band is an ally to keep fighting to achieve the ideal weight and protect health and well-being, especially in those who have tried to lose weight diets, acupuncture, medications or behavior modification. The gastric band can be performed only on patients who are over 18 years old and weigh twice what should or weigh 45 pounds over your ideal weight. In other words, the treatment is made in cases of morbid obesity with an index of Corporal mass (BMI) greater than 40. It is also important that the patient take over 5 years with obesity and that during that time he has made an important effort with other methods to reduce its weight. Gastric banding is a procedure to facilitate the weight loss in patients with obesity. It consists of the placement of an inflatable silicone band around the upper part of the stomach, dividing it into two parts and decreasing ability up to a size of 25-30 cc.

The new small pouch that forms on the upper part of the stomach limits and controls the amount of food that can be eaten once and close the stomach outlet increases the time required to make the stomach empty. As a result, patients experience a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with small amounts of food. The gastric band achieved the reduction in food intake and weight loss which is set at an average of 0.5 kg per week. It must be taken into account that the too rapid loss creates a health hazard and can cause numerous problems, in addition, the main goal is a gradual weight loss that improve or resolve medical problems connected with severe obesity. Gastric band intervention it is important to follow all medical advice to facilitate the specialists that will accompany the patient throughout the entire treatment. It is essential to eat small amounts and know when is satiated one because if you eat more than what is owed, the stomach will end up ceding and will be larger, not serving anything the intervencon of the gastric band. You should bear in mind that the personal discipline in the field of power is fundamental to the success of any treatment of obesity.

Exercise Weight

Exercise and diet remember that the road to success in weight loss is through the formation of a diet that is healthy and exercise. Most people make the mistake of focusing only on the diet and forget the exercise, but being active is a vital part of any weight program. When active, the body uses calories for working and this helps to burn the calories you’ve eaten. Exercise go shopping, clean the kitchen, gardening, are all forms of physical activity. However, exercise to lose weight is a structured and repetitive form of physical activity that is carried out on a regular basis.

You need to exercise regularly, so it is set a goal, such as a minimum of 150 minutes per week of physical activity or 75 minutes a week of energy activity spread throughout the week. Other pills methods of diet, weight loss surgery and other methods should only be used when diet and exercise have failed.

Bariatric Surgery

Thousands of Americans expect a cure for obesity, or a study that reveals the gene that causes it. Meanwhile, each time more, the number of obese people who consider performing bariatric surgery increases in the United States. All Jerry Poole wants is a surgeon, reorganize and reconfigure their digestive organs so that you cannot eat more than what fits in a small bag of the size of an egg (this procedure is known as gastric bypass). You want it so much, that he could walk on glass to achieve it. He has the determination of a man of 570 pounds (258 kg) who in his 39 years, doctors have told him that he should be dead, who tried all diets that exist and who only can sigh with the periodic news that promises that someday there will be an anti-obesity medication or a genetic study that points to the causes of obesity specific. Mr Poole illustrates the limitations of the recent discoveries, and the fact that the nation this enfilada what many call one obesity epidemic. This has left him, and many others, desperate enough to rearrange their internal organs in the hope of obtaining a welfare. Surgery may be radical for 200 pounds (90 kilos) person, but for someone that weighs 700 pounds (320 kilos) is the only option, says Jerry Poole.

His obesity has increased progressively since childhood and is a step away from being not able to neither get up from his bed. There are surveys that indicate that the number of Americans who qualify for the surgery has increased dramatically in recent years. Government statistics indicate that the number of people with a BMI (BMI) of 40 or more has increased by 200% in the last decade, being approximately 2% in men in the United States, and 4% in women. A BMI of 40 means a weight of about 200 pounds (90 kgs) for someone that measures 1.50 m, and 300 pounds (136 kg) for someone with a height of 1.80 meters. The majority of experts in obesity They point out that people with at least 100 pounds (45 kgs) of overweight or a BMI of 40, are candidates for an operation.

The American Society of Bariatric Surgery says there not a reliable estimate of how many such operations take place every year in the country, being the most popular among Americans lap band surgery. Even if the individual has a severe overweight, you should carefully consider whether they prefer the minimal risk of dying during surgery as well as their potential complications, including infection, vomiting and vitamin deficiency. Dr. Mal Fobi, the surgeon who plans to operate to Mr. Poole as soon as he reached his insurer to pay for the procedure, placed a sign in his Office that says the non-surgical treatment for obesity is not effective. This surgeon says that the risks of surgery are much smaller than those that are caused by obesity, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. 300 Thousand Americans each year, before dying of time due to obesity. He also notes that the success rate of Bariatric Surgery is 95%, where the patient, after 5 years of surgery, has had a stable loss of at least 60% of your previous weight excess weight. If you are morbidly obese, and looking for an alternative for weight loss, in goodbye obesity we have an option for you. Bariatric Surgery offers a weight loss that will contribute to a better quality of life. Visit a greeting, Cecy Garcia

Gregorio Maranon Hospital

Although less, but also quite frequent, are interventions aimed at repairing malformations of the external ear (ears collapsed, smaller than normal or absent), a category in which also come calls ears protruding (whose technical name is Hellix Valguf). The Berenguer doctor has explained that it is not a malformation, but of an abnormality, and the operation to correct it is highly in demand because in the society the aesthetics of the separated ears is not well tolerated and children who have them go wrong. Children’s plastic surgery although there are no statistics of how many children’s plastic surgery operations carried out in Spain, Dr. Berenguer has explained that in the Gregorio Maranon Hospital some 1,000 children treated per year. The best age to operate congenital malformations is important during the first year of life (the Protocol is three months), while if they are minor malformations, it is around six years. Malformations or physical documents don’t always have to cause a psychological problem in children, especially if your home live in it naturally. Sometimes the family atmosphere generates some high dense against criticism or ridicule that the child may receive, says the psychologist. However, those who take the decision to operate their children are parents, which, moreover, are those who must give permission.

Sometimes, the decision comes induced by the child himself, suffering the taunts of his college classmates, and often parents anticipate the desire for his son to protect him from a future suffering. After that the child is 14 years, doctors recommend that the decision be consensual. The psychologist thought before deciding what to titrate until the malformation or the dcto point affects the child and if the intervention has no risk and eliminates your suffering, later, although if you are at risk, I would think. The message that can only be is launching one feel good if you have no documents. That is not so and we have many examples; assume it is difficult, but possible, concludes this expert. Source of the news: parents are demanding ever more plastic surgery to correct documents in their children