Despite a good prognosis for some types of cancer, due to the fate and toxicity of medication associated with her, pet owners often face a dilemma whether to go for a treatment or not. Most of the time, the cancer in dogs occurs in the elderly what makes dogs more vulnerable to the side effects of conventional treatment. The surgery has a range limited by how much that can delete only parts of the tumor. There is a dire need to explore new areas of cancer treatment. Despite significant progress in this field, it needs to be done to develop new strategies and drugs that aim only to cancer cells and not to normal cells. The development of any new treatment needs to be aware of the fact of any medication to cure disease with a minimum of side effects. To achieve this goal, the therapy has aim and destroy only cancerous cells while allowing that healthy cells live normal.
We try to understand how radiation and chemotherapy work to kill the bad cells. These therapies makes use of the fact that the malignant tumors have cells that grow quickly by the division while normal cells are in a resting stage. Chemotherapy attempts to intervene in the function of the DNA of cells to divide and multiply and thus leaving normal cells alone. An exception to this rule there because even some normal as in the marrow cells continue naturally splitting and replacing cells killed all the time. On the other hand, normal cells begin to divide and replace once the treatment is given. This leaves a very small error margin. Another limitation of conventional drugs is the repeating field. There is a great deal of heterogeneity within a single tumor cells. While the tumor increases in size, some of the cells get little blood supply that makes them divide into a reduced bore compared to others in the same tumor.