African Benin

Parallels of the works produced in such different worlds can be found in gesture, facial expression and posture of the photographed people and their accessories. Art promoter and initiator Simone Bruns explained: about the huge response I am delighted. This proves: art in public space has its legitimate place in Hamburg’s most beautiful location and is well received. I thank all our partners and supporters who have made possible this premiere.” Gerhard Fuchs, Chairman of living Virgin entrance e.V., says: the Jungfernstieg to be a lively meeting place. This succeeded very well with the open air exhibition. Now cultural events are held here three times a year.” Bert Anthony merchant, commercial Director of Deichtorhallen, is convinced of the idea of the project: this extraordinary art offering for hamburgers and Tourists we make people curious and reach potential visitors of the Deichtorhallen galleries. Very much supported our exhibition future art events on the Jungfernstieg and continues this successful collaboration.” The Open-Air exhibition is a foretaste of the extensive exhibition of ALBERT WATSON – VISIONS FEAT. To see COTTON MADE IN AFRICA, the 14 September 2012-6 January 2013 in cooperation with the aid by trade Foundation at the House of photography in the Deichtorhallen galleries is.

“Embedded in a retrospective of Star photographer Albert Watson with around 350 exhibits, 36 large format images appear, for the development initiative of cotton made in Africa” the aid by trade Foundation end of 2011 African Benin arose. You show the inhabitants and their lifestyles and illustrate the social impact of the action. Supports passage was the outdoor presentation by the living Virgin entrance Association, JCDecaux and the Europe, Oce and pixelgrain. About living Virgin entrance e.V. Since the redevelopment of the Jungfernstieg with kick-off in the Year 2003 and opening in 2006 has received a brand new face the shopping street and Boulevard. The existing since 1235 strolling Boulevard has been effectively enhanced by total renewal: the living Virgin entrance Association enabled this “, totalling EUR 7.5 million in donations and sponsorship a campaigned, and it generated half of the entire conversion cost.