Greenhouse Effects

This will result of the deforestations as already it comes occurring, beyond affecting some microclimates that exist in the region. The trend of the savanizao process is one of the consequences of the substitution of the forest, what it will go to provoke an increase of the temperature of the air of the surface, between 2 and 3 C, reduction in the regional evapotranspirao, among others. However, the decurrent deforestations of forest fires and decomposition of the knocked down vegetation, add the biggest contribution of the country that emit gases of the effect greenhouse. However the climatic changes will affect the health human being, by means of alterations of the endemic illnesses as clera, the malaria, the affection, virose, among others existing illnesses. These changes will be able to speed up the transmission cycles, to extend its areas of geographic distribution, beyond creating ambient conditions favorable to the reproduction and survival of patgenos and vectors. Word-key: Climatic changes, Effect Greenhouse, Antrpicas Activities .