Many concerned about what brand of cosmetics to choose? There are three classes of cosmetics. More information about each First Class – fat-based cosmetics with extracts of plants. This is the most primitive makeup povehrnostnogo action. She cares only for the upper layer of the epidermis, ie of dead cells that have no power supply is needed. But its best to provide this layer the fat to soften it, otshelushit, whiten and moisturize more. Second Class – cosmetics containing essential oils and water liposomes. In fact, the possibility of penetration through the protective layer of the epidermis has only a negligible number of these liposomes. Most of their blends with particles fat of the stratum corneum, thus losing its water phase.
From this, however, there are also good. They create on the surface of the skin a protective layer that prevents moisture loss. (Example: 'Mary Kay', 'World-class', 'Oriflame', etc.). The third class – Cosmetics containing transdermal carriers and bioactive components that act at the cellular level (Example: '', 'Tselkosmet', 'La proce', 'Faberlic', 'Talgo', 'Academy'). I hope that after this article, you will not there more of this issue. Mini dictionary: transdermal carriers – are substances preodalevayuschie skin's protective barrier and transports nutrients into its deep layers, the epidermis – the outer, upper layer human skin, liposomes – a closed bubble of water, they are the transport of substances to the cells of the skin, the stratum corneum – is a visible surface layer of the skin, it is the skin that we see (it is called the upper layer epidermis).